Wednesday, June 9, 2010

red velvet, banana, peanut butter, OH MY.

about two weeks ago, valerie & i discovered what is quickly becoming one of my favorite places in Memphis - Gigi's Cupcakes:

Photo of a Gigis Cupcakes Store

if you have a sweet tooth but at all, then this is seriously the place for you. it's probably a good assumption to say that i am obsessed. this could be the inner fat kid inside of me (not even really inner anymore! ha), but i look forward to one of these bad babies after work! val & i even have their menu on our fridge, and we mark off the ones that we have tried - need i say more?

just take a look at these and tell me that your mouth is not watering right now?!?

you can thank me later. in the meantime, check out their spring/summer menu:

you shall not be disappointed. happy cupcaking!

1 comment:

  1. Fallon...I'm not okay with this. I think I just gained 10 pounds just by LOOKING at those pictures! AND I went online and checked out the menu...big mistake. :)
